What did Justice Katju say on the disgusting state of Indian politics?

Amalendu Upadhyaya
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What next in India?

What did Justice Katju say on the disgusting state of Indian politics?

By Justice Markandey Katju

A disgusting state of affairs is prevailing in Indian politics, with petty squabbling, wrangling, spats, fracas, imbroglios, bickering, and intrigues going on all around.

Fireworks are expected when Parliament starts its sessions from the 24th June, and the strong Opposition is likely to paralyze the minority government which is walking on crutches.

The days of that monster Modi are over, and even though he is still the Prime Minister he is only a shadow and scarecrow of his old self. I am very happy at this development, since Modi, by his politics of hatred of Muslims for 10 years, did great harm to India.

But what happens next?

Many people are projecting and presenting Rahul Gandhi as the saviour of India, a new Moses, who will lead the nation out of its distress and into a land of milk and honey.

But what is the truth?

The test of every political activity and political system is one, and only one : does it raise the standard of living of the people ? Does it give them better lives?

Rahul Gandhi has said that he has opened a mohabbat ki dukan in a nafrat ka bazaar. This is to be welcomed. But how will such platititudes and homilies abolish the massive poverty, massive unemployment, appalling level of child malnutrition ( every second child in India is malnourished, according to Global Hunger Index, a reputed international agency ), skyrocketing prices of essential commodities, almost total lack of proper healthcare and good education for the Indian masses, etc. What solution does Rahul have for these problems ? I am afraid he has none.

So if the INDIA alliance comes to power with Rahul as the Prime Minister will it not just be a change of leaders with no basic change in the people's lives ?

As Manthara said to Queen Kaikeyi in the Ramcharitmanas :

''Koi nrip hoye hamein ka haani

Cheri chaand na hobet rani ''


''How does it matter to me who will be the king ?

Will I, a slave girl, become a Queen ?

Indians are fond of following a Pied Piper of Hamelin.

When Indira Gandhi said ''Garibi Hatao'' they blindly voted for her en masse.

When Anna Hazare said ''Bhrashtachar hatao'' they again blindly followed him

When Modi said ''Vikas'' they blindly believed in him and made him the Prime Minister for 10 years, during which he wreaked havoc in India.

So while I a happy that the old Modi with his 56 inch chest has been reduced to a caricature of his old self, I am afraid'' Achche din'' are not likely to dawn in India for a very long time.

(Justice Katju is a retired judge of the Supreme Court. These are his personal views.)

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